Asia Beverage Media Group成为Wine to Asia 2021战略合作媒体

2021年6月8日至10日,第二届Wine to Asia深圳国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会将在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)举行。Wine to Asia与Asia Beverage Media Group亚洲酒业媒体达成战略合作,Asia Beverage Media Group将成为2021年展会官方媒体合作伙伴之一。
From June 8 to 10, 2021, the second edition of Wine to Asia Shenzhen International Wine & Spirits Fair will be held in Shenzhen World, the largest exhibition center in the World. Asia Beverage Media Group has reached the strategic cooperation with Wine to Asia to join the 2021 edition as one of the exhibition’s official media partners.

作为Wine to Asia 2021战略合作媒体,Asia Beverage Media Group将为亚太地区葡萄酒及烈酒从业者和消费者带来最新、最全面的展会全程报道,也将联合更多亚太地区行业意见领袖,在Wine to Asia 2021展会期间分享最新行业资讯。
As the strategic Media partner of Wine to Asia 2021, Asia Beverage Media Group will bring the latest and most comprehensive coverage of the exhibition to Wine and Spirits industries and consumers in Asia Pacific, and will also unite with more KOLs to connect and share the latest industry news during Wine to Asia 2021.

Asia Beverage Media Group Limited是第一家也是唯一一家以当地语言覆盖整个亚太地区的媒体,当前在香港、南京和曼谷三地皆设有办公地点,旗下媒体矩阵含Asia Wine News,酒大师,Cellar.Asia,Cellar & Friends,Wine247和The Asian Sommeliers。

Asia Beverage Media Group

Asia Beverage Media Group致力于为行业领袖和葡萄酒专业人士提供独家新闻及深入的分析,为葡萄酒买家及任何级别的葡萄酒爱好者提供最新的资讯及精彩的行业内容。

由高素质专业人士组成,Asia Beverage Media Group的团队分布在各大亚太市场,成员包括葡萄酒记者、年轻而充满激情的数字营销专家、认证侍酒师、销售经理以及在亚洲葡萄酒行业工作了20多年经验丰富的品牌代表,目标是成为中国和亚洲葡萄酒行业最权威、最值得信赖的资讯来源。

Wine to Asia 线下城市巡展推介

Wine to Asia线下城市巡展推介会下一站即将抵达宁波,继续为大家带来精彩纷呈的活动以及最新最全的展会信息,并连接更多的酒类行业从业者,发掘多样化的消费市场。Wine to Asia线下推介会已经过深圳、东莞、佛山、广州等城市,并将继续前往杭州、海口、南宁、中山、珠海、福州、厦门等城市。

Wine to Asia目前已有超过四百位展商加入,涵盖十余个大型国家与产区展团;将举办超过二十场专业主题大师班——包括首次亮相中国的巴西与圣马力诺、多场行业联合论坛;以及Living Wine自然酒展区、Master Lab和Coffee Cocktails Experience等专题特别活动。

Wine to Asia期待您的莅临,获取更多最新展会信息与活动安排!

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